

Eos Lip Balm
I'm one of those people who always has a lip balm within arms length because I'm a straight-up lippy addict. Lately I've been in love with Eos's spherical lip balm. The flavors are great, the packaging is futuristic yet functional, plus I've noticed these little guys popping up in more and more stores (from Ulta to Target). Prepare to buy in multiples because you're going to burn through these!

Hair Wrapped Pony Tails 
Feel like a regular ol' pony tail isn't dressy enough for you? Fix it up in 30 seconds by taking a small chunk of pony tail from underneath, wrapping it around your hair elastic and tuck the end of it it in the elastic or pin/clip it under the ponytail where it can be hidden. I have fine, naturally straight hair (pictured right) so I have to clip mine to keep it secure. It's amazing how this small detail can make your plain pony tail seem fancy-schmancy!

If you've ever seen Secret Diary of a Call Girl, you would have
probably noticed that the main character, Belle, is a fan of hair
wrapping! Where do you think I got the idea from?

Pantyliners As Multipurpose Tools
I know it sounds kind of gross, but you have GOT to read this article about using pantyliners as fashion-savers over at I Can Style U. As soon as I read it I knew that I had missed out on an easy fix for a high heel disaster I recently experienced. My heels were slick on the outer sole and sweat-inducing on the inside at a recent wedding. It made my walking on polished concrete look more like bad ice skating because my feet couldn't get any traction from inside or outside of the shoe. Having a pantyliner on the inside of the high heel would have saved me a lot of embarrassment! I'm even thinking you could trim pantyliners down and place them in spots where your shoes rub you skin. The gears in my mind are turning... I wonder what else they could be useful for? Time to start stuffing a few of these in my purse for emergencies!

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